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Anne Bundgaard

HR Business Partner

Telefon 22228733 / ann@trimit.com


TRIMIT Group is made up of great people

We are an international team of more than 120 highly specialized employees in Denmark, Germany, Norway, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.

We represent the world we live in, and we celebrate our diversity in backgrounds and cultures. We are ambitious and successful as individuals, but we understand that no-one is more important than the team.

We act local with global outlook, and our teams collaborate across borders to deliver world-class services to our customers and to help keep ourselves on our toes and get better at what we do. We apply the right people to the right tasks, and we always keep our customer’s best interest at the center of what we do.

The trust our customers put in us drives our dedication to their success. We get a kick out of working with some of the most creative people in some of the most creative industries, and our customers reward us with year-long, progressing partnerships.